Using the DNS Service

In order to start using the DNS Service, you need to:

  1. Activate the Dns service

  2. Change the Name Servers of your domain name to our Name Servers

  3. Create various records for your domain name

Activate the DNS Service

To activate the DNS service

  1. Proceed to the DNS Service interface. See details

  2. Click the Manage DNS link.


    The DNS Service will be activated when you click the Manage DNS link for the first time.


For Resellers: The DNS Service can be activated only if the Order belongs to a Customer immediately under you.

Change the Name Servers of your domain name to our Name Servers

For the DNS Service to work, it is essential that all queries for your domain name should reach our Name Servers, which would respond to the query with the records that you have specified. Thus, it is vital that you change the Name Servers for your domain name to our Name Servers.

To change the Name Servers of your domain name to our Name Servers

  1. Proceed to the DNS Service interface. See details

  2. Click the Name Server Details link.

  3. Here, you would find the list of Name Servers you need to set for your domain name.


    If the domain name is not registered with SNETHUB.Com (Matrix Infoweb), you need to point your domain name to these Name Servers through the domain name management console provided by your domain name registration service provider.

Create various Resource Records for your domain name

Information to create various Resource Records for your domain name